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RPS 30工業(yè)35mm導(dǎo)軌電源

Product Numbers: 20131311984

Price: US $

Product description:RPS 30工業(yè)35mm導(dǎo)軌電源


Product description

Description 24 V DC DIN rail power supply unit
Type RPS 30
Order No. 943 662-003

More Interfaces

Voltage input 1 terminal block, 3-pin
Voltage output 1 terminal block, 5-pin

Power requirements

Operating voltage 230 V

Input data

230 V 100 to 240 V AC; 47 to 63 Hz or
85 to 375 V DC

Current consumption

230 V max. 0,35 A at 296 V AC
Activation current < 36 A at 240 V AC and cold start

Output data

Output voltage 24 V DC (-0,5%, +0,5%)

Output current

230 V 1,3 A at 100 - 240 V AC


Diagnostics LED (power, DC ON)


Redundancy functions Power supply units can be connected in parallel

Ambient conditions

Operating temperature -10 oC to +70 oC (from 60 oC derating)
Storage/transport temperature -25 oC to +85 oC
Relative humidity (non-condensing) max. 95% without condensation
MTBF 74.2 years; Siemensnorm SN 29500 : 40 oC

Mechanical construction

Dimensions (W x H x D) 45 mm x 75 mm x 98 mm
Mounting DIN Rail 35 mm
Weight 230 g
Protection class IP 20

EMC interference immunity

EN 50082-1 EN 61000-6-2 (includes EN 55024)
EN 50082-2 EN 61000-6-2 (includes EN 55024)

EMC emitted immunity

EN 50081-1 EN 50081-1
EN 50081-2 EN 50081-2


Safety of industrial control equipment cUL 508
Safety of information technology equipment cUL 60950-1
Hazardous locations ISA 12.12.01 Class 1 Div. 2 (pending)
Shipbuilding Germanischer Lloyd

Scope of delivery and accessories

Scope of delivery Rail power supply,
Description and operating manual

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